Thursday, December 29, 2011

Update on the goobers

Sorry about being so long overdue.  This semester was pretty hectic for mama.  I did receive 3Bs and 2As though, so it was worth it :)

The goobers started preschool/daycare at the end of August.  Booga didn't take very well to it, but after being moved to a different facility, we found a good fit and he likes going to school now.  He can be a handful and since he doesn't talk it is difficult to figure out his needs.  The firs school he was enrolled claimed to be okay with it and is a registered "special needs" school.  He hasn't been diagnosed with anything officially, but his developmental delay is still a special need.  The teacher at that school however was not equipped to be around children period, let alone special ones.  When he moved to his current school the teachers were much friendlier, warm and patient.  He should be starting speech and occupational therapy soon as well.

PopPops has a crush on his daycare teacher.  It started out as a rivalry between him and one other boy, whom we'll call Jason.  PopPops would get very jealous if Jason was sitting on the teachers lap and Jason would get very jealous is PopPops was sitting on her lap.  But then after a few months, PopPops was jealous is ANY of the other little boys sat on her lap.  I think it's so cute that he is only jealous of the boys, but doesn't care if she gives the little girls any attention.  When Booga was a baby, he wouldn't smile at men, except his Daddy.  He would light up and wiggle and coo for any woman, but he just lied there and stared at men with a blank face.  Such silly little boys!

PopPops had his 18 month checkup yesterday and had a 19in head(75 percentile), he is 25lbs 10oz (70 percentile) and is a whopping 34.5 inches long (97 percentile)!