Thursday, April 14, 2011

Intro blog

Hello all,

I've started this blog to update all those interested on my two little goobers, Booga and PopPops, as well as ramble on about things interesting to me.  This is mostly a blog for family members and friends who don't receive my email updates or don't have a facebook to see all the hundreds I post there of the goobers.  For privacy and security reasons, I will use their nicknames.  For those that know them in real life, Booga is the first son and PopPops is the second :)

So to begin the update: Booga has started to talk more and been using a lot of "b" words.  He said clear as day (to me anyway) "bubble bath" the other day as well as an attempt to say "blueberries" and "baby."  PopPops' little personality is starting to develop and he is turning into a little stinker.  He likes to walk holding onto things, espically the kitchen chairs and try to push them all over.  He has also started to do the one handed lean, but hasn't had the courage to stand alone yet.  He can take as long as he wants to walk.  I'm still recovering from the first goober that decided to walk at 7months and 26 days and hasn't slowed down since!  He also likes to pat things with both hands and giggle hysterically.  His favorite things to do this to include his mommy and his doggy.  I have been woken up the last 2 days by him patting my face. 

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