Friday, April 29, 2011

Teething is my least favorite aspect of parenting!

Booga has 19 teeth in and only one more to go!  However, that one more is his last back molar.  The last molar is yet to break through the gum, and the other 3 have broken but are still descending.  He has never been the greatest sleeper, but now he wakes up at least 3 times a night screaming in pain.  I feel so helpless when he does this because nothing seems to work.  We've tried orajel, teething tablets, ice and rubbing his gums.  He will scream the whole time I try to reach all the way to the back of his mouth with the orajel and get more on his tongue than his molars.  He spits the teething tablets right back out.  He will suck on ice during the day, but in the middle of the night, he's not in the mood for it.  He just wants to be held like a little baby (which isn't that easy with a bigger than average almost 3 year old!) 
PopPops is also teething.  I never knew a baby could produce so much drool.  He wants to chew on EVERYTHING!  He has begun to clamp down on me with his gums while nursing.  I've never been bit with teeth and imagine that would hurt worse, but being gummed isn't anywhere near fun either!  Booga started drooling on everything about this age and cut his first tooth 16 days before his 1st birthday.  So, I'm counting on PopPops cutting his first around the same time.

Children aren't blueprints of course, but I've read that children have all 20 baby teeth by their 3rd at 23 months apart, I'm counting on Booga cutting his last tooth at the same time PopPops cuts his first!  It'd be really funny if it happens on the same day...well it won't be fun for them, or me, but like most things in parenthood (and life in general) it'll be a good story one day.

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