Tuesday, June 28, 2011

365 days of mommy milky love!

WE MADE IT!  PopPops turned a year old on Saturday and is still nursing!  It was rough in the beginning, but around 5 months it got easier and easier and by 7 months we were nursing pros!  75% of American babies are breastfed at birth, but 22% are breastfed at one year old.  PopPops is now part of that coveted milestone!  I'm so proud of us little buddy!  WE MADE IT!

He had his checkup today and weighed 23lbs 3oz and was 31.25 inches long.  He is in the 56th percentile for weight, but a whopping 89th percentile for height!  He also received 2 shots and was not happy about them, but with some mommy milky love he calmed right down.
The best part of the appointment was:
Doc: Is he drinking toddler formula now or whole cow's milk or...?
Me: He's still nursing about 4 times a day and I'm trying to get him onto whole goat's milk for lunch, for when I'm at school.
Doc: HE'S STILL NURSING?!?!  *high five*  Good for you!  I love seeing baby's reach 12 months! So...just lunch time feeding is leaving?  Will the other ones stay?
Me: Yes.  I want him to self wean on the rest.
Doc: ALRIGHT!  Keep it up!

It's always good to have someone as enthusiastic about something as you are ;)

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