Friday, June 10, 2011

A walking goober!

PopPops took his first steps 2 days ago!  Well, his first steps on land.  3 days ago he decided to take 2-3 steps in the bathtub, so I'm not sure if that counts.  When he took his first land steps, he was playing with Grammie and she came out holding him exclaiming that he had walked!  I didn't want to believe that my baby was growing up, so I didn't believe it until he walked again the next day.  We were in the kitchen and he was holding onto Booga's chair and then let go and walked about 3 steps.  I ran over and hugged him and he was so excited!  Now, he is taking a lazy approach to trying it again.  He likes to crawl to get places, but will practice his new walking skill randomly throughout the day.  He isn't super eager to keep doing it like his big brother was.  When Booga walked there was no stopping him.  He wanted to keep practicing over and over and completely forgot what crawling was after the first few days.  Perhaps, it was because he only crawled for about 2 months, so he wasn't too dependent on it.  He also decided just two weeks after learning how to crawl (at less than 6 months old) that he now needed to figure out walking.  Then 6 weeks after that, he was walking at less than 8 months old! 
PopPops on the other hand, did this weird belly roll thing from 6-7.5 months old until he figured out how to crawl.  He didn't really become interested in pulling up or standing until about 9 months old and then standing alone didn't take place until about a month ago(10.5 months).  He will practice walking if he's just hanging out, but if he needs to get some place fast, he's back to crawling.  Hopefully, he doesn't become interested in honing his walking skills too quickly, because he is the cutest little crawling speedster and I want to still enjoy hearing his little crawling pitter patter a short while longer.

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