Thursday, December 29, 2011

Update on the goobers

Sorry about being so long overdue.  This semester was pretty hectic for mama.  I did receive 3Bs and 2As though, so it was worth it :)

The goobers started preschool/daycare at the end of August.  Booga didn't take very well to it, but after being moved to a different facility, we found a good fit and he likes going to school now.  He can be a handful and since he doesn't talk it is difficult to figure out his needs.  The firs school he was enrolled claimed to be okay with it and is a registered "special needs" school.  He hasn't been diagnosed with anything officially, but his developmental delay is still a special need.  The teacher at that school however was not equipped to be around children period, let alone special ones.  When he moved to his current school the teachers were much friendlier, warm and patient.  He should be starting speech and occupational therapy soon as well.

PopPops has a crush on his daycare teacher.  It started out as a rivalry between him and one other boy, whom we'll call Jason.  PopPops would get very jealous if Jason was sitting on the teachers lap and Jason would get very jealous is PopPops was sitting on her lap.  But then after a few months, PopPops was jealous is ANY of the other little boys sat on her lap.  I think it's so cute that he is only jealous of the boys, but doesn't care if she gives the little girls any attention.  When Booga was a baby, he wouldn't smile at men, except his Daddy.  He would light up and wiggle and coo for any woman, but he just lied there and stared at men with a blank face.  Such silly little boys!

PopPops had his 18 month checkup yesterday and had a 19in head(75 percentile), he is 25lbs 10oz (70 percentile) and is a whopping 34.5 inches long (97 percentile)! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Softbums giveaway

<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Thrifty Nifty Mommy" src=""/></a>

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

365 days of mommy milky love!

WE MADE IT!  PopPops turned a year old on Saturday and is still nursing!  It was rough in the beginning, but around 5 months it got easier and easier and by 7 months we were nursing pros!  75% of American babies are breastfed at birth, but 22% are breastfed at one year old.  PopPops is now part of that coveted milestone!  I'm so proud of us little buddy!  WE MADE IT!

He had his checkup today and weighed 23lbs 3oz and was 31.25 inches long.  He is in the 56th percentile for weight, but a whopping 89th percentile for height!  He also received 2 shots and was not happy about them, but with some mommy milky love he calmed right down.
The best part of the appointment was:
Doc: Is he drinking toddler formula now or whole cow's milk or...?
Me: He's still nursing about 4 times a day and I'm trying to get him onto whole goat's milk for lunch, for when I'm at school.
Doc: HE'S STILL NURSING?!?!  *high five*  Good for you!  I love seeing baby's reach 12 months! So...just lunch time feeding is leaving?  Will the other ones stay?
Me: Yes.  I want him to self wean on the rest.
Doc: ALRIGHT!  Keep it up!

It's always good to have someone as enthusiastic about something as you are ;)

Friday, June 10, 2011

A walking goober!

PopPops took his first steps 2 days ago!  Well, his first steps on land.  3 days ago he decided to take 2-3 steps in the bathtub, so I'm not sure if that counts.  When he took his first land steps, he was playing with Grammie and she came out holding him exclaiming that he had walked!  I didn't want to believe that my baby was growing up, so I didn't believe it until he walked again the next day.  We were in the kitchen and he was holding onto Booga's chair and then let go and walked about 3 steps.  I ran over and hugged him and he was so excited!  Now, he is taking a lazy approach to trying it again.  He likes to crawl to get places, but will practice his new walking skill randomly throughout the day.  He isn't super eager to keep doing it like his big brother was.  When Booga walked there was no stopping him.  He wanted to keep practicing over and over and completely forgot what crawling was after the first few days.  Perhaps, it was because he only crawled for about 2 months, so he wasn't too dependent on it.  He also decided just two weeks after learning how to crawl (at less than 6 months old) that he now needed to figure out walking.  Then 6 weeks after that, he was walking at less than 8 months old! 
PopPops on the other hand, did this weird belly roll thing from 6-7.5 months old until he figured out how to crawl.  He didn't really become interested in pulling up or standing until about 9 months old and then standing alone didn't take place until about a month ago(10.5 months).  He will practice walking if he's just hanging out, but if he needs to get some place fast, he's back to crawling.  Hopefully, he doesn't become interested in honing his walking skills too quickly, because he is the cutest little crawling speedster and I want to still enjoy hearing his little crawling pitter patter a short while longer.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Both goobers have teeth!

Yesterday morning as we were sitting at the breakfast table, Grammie noticed that there were white bumps on PopPops gums.  He's been a super drool monster lately, so I knew teeth were coming soon.  During his morning nap, he was extra fussy and having a hard time staying asleep.  After his nap, we went out to Chili's for Mother's Day and discovered that there was a tiny white bump in PopPops mouth!  His first tooth broke while he was napping!  He looks so cute with his one little tooth.  I checked the back of Booga's mouth last night, but the last molar still hadn't broken the surface.  This morning, I checked again and it had broken!  I wanted PopPops to get his first tooth and Booga to get his last on the same day, but instead they conspired against me and overlapped by a day : )

Friday, April 29, 2011

Teething is my least favorite aspect of parenting!

Booga has 19 teeth in and only one more to go!  However, that one more is his last back molar.  The last molar is yet to break through the gum, and the other 3 have broken but are still descending.  He has never been the greatest sleeper, but now he wakes up at least 3 times a night screaming in pain.  I feel so helpless when he does this because nothing seems to work.  We've tried orajel, teething tablets, ice and rubbing his gums.  He will scream the whole time I try to reach all the way to the back of his mouth with the orajel and get more on his tongue than his molars.  He spits the teething tablets right back out.  He will suck on ice during the day, but in the middle of the night, he's not in the mood for it.  He just wants to be held like a little baby (which isn't that easy with a bigger than average almost 3 year old!) 
PopPops is also teething.  I never knew a baby could produce so much drool.  He wants to chew on EVERYTHING!  He has begun to clamp down on me with his gums while nursing.  I've never been bit with teeth and imagine that would hurt worse, but being gummed isn't anywhere near fun either!  Booga started drooling on everything about this age and cut his first tooth 16 days before his 1st birthday.  So, I'm counting on PopPops cutting his first around the same time.

Children aren't blueprints of course, but I've read that children have all 20 baby teeth by their 3rd at 23 months apart, I'm counting on Booga cutting his last tooth at the same time PopPops cuts his first!  It'd be really funny if it happens on the same day...well it won't be fun for them, or me, but like most things in parenthood (and life in general) it'll be a good story one day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

What if Moses had the internet?

This has nothing to do with the goobers, but I thought it was so awesome that I had to share.

I can't decide which part is my favorite. I've narrowed it down to ordering plagues on Amazon, Pharoah has an Iphone and Moses's tweet "No time for baking." Some people have too much time on their hands, but I'm glad to see that they used that extra time to create something so awesome!